Heart Disease Infographics

              Plant Power to Reverse Heart Disease

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Plant Power Program for Heart Disease by Ron Krebs

How to Order this Free eBook by Ron Krebs

Heart Disease Starts in Childhood - Dr. Michael Greger

Heart Disease Runs in the Family Because Bad Habits Run in the Family - Dr. Joel Kahn

Health Crisis - Dr. Brooke Goldner

It's Not Your DNA - It's Your Dinner - Eric Adams

Why Obesity is Dangerous - Aggarwal and Rao

The Protein Gospel - Dr. Garth Davis

Animal Protein vs Plant Protein - Kassam

The Keto Diet is Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

Carbs and Hearth Disease - Dr. Garth Davis

Junk Food and Heart Attacks

The Most Dangerous Fast Food Ingredients - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Fast Food Increases Risk of Heart Disease - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

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Meat is Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

Heme Iron vs Nonheme Iron - Dr. Neal Barnard

Big Body = Early Death - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Heart Disease Risk Management - Animal Protein vs Plant Protein - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

The Paleo Diet is Dangerous - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Eggs are Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

Dairy is Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

Cheese is Super Addictive - Dr. Neal Barnard

Vegetable Oils are Dangerous - Dr. John McDougall

Vegetable Oils are Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

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Sugary Drinks are Dangerous - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Salt is Harmful - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Sea Salt is Harmful - Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Obesity is Dangerous - Dr. Michael Greger

Chronic Inflammation and Chronic Disease - Dr. Dean Ornish

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How to Order Free eBooks